Join the 1st network of cosmetic companies
Cosmed brings together 1010 companies in the cosmetics industry : own brands, subcontractors, ingredient suppliers, analysis and testing laboratories, consultants, universities
Joining means getting together to better defend ourselves in the face of regulatory changes
• You are represented in national (ANSM, DGCCRF, AFNOR), European (European Commission) and international (ISO) working groups,
• You are consulted during the elaboration of legal and regulatory texts impacting the cosmetic industry. These draft texts come from the ANSM, the Ministry of Health, the AFNOR or the European Commission.
Joining allows us to share resources to better develop and adapt to industrial transitions
• You can participate to information days in regional Cosmetopoles. The Cosmetopôles allow a direct link with the COSMED actions and a direct communication with the actors (companies, institutions, universities) of your region. They are a relay for funding assistance,
• You will join a purchasing group to optimize your purchases, source new suppliers and make sales of unused supplies or purchases of raw materials and/or packaging items,
• You can attend free of charge all webinars on European or international regulatory topics,
• You benefit from preferential rates for all COSMED services: events, training, cosmetic regulatory monitoring, Free Sale Certificates.