Cosmed is there for you
Join the 1st network of companies in the cosmetics industry in France
Created in 2000, the Cosmed Professional Association was born of the desire of small and medium-sized businesses to be represented and heard by the French and European authorities in charge of the cosmetics sector.
Joining COSMED means
JOINING A NETWORK that contributes every day to create permanent links between the actors of the sector in France.
COSMED is today the leading network representing small, medium and large companies in the cosmetics industry in France. 1100 companies are members representing all the trades of the cosmetic sector: own brands, manufacturers, suppliers of ingredients, laboratories of expertise and tests, consultant, training…
With 80% of its members being SMEs, COSMED is a key player in the cosmetics sector
For the past 9 years, COSMED has published a reference directory of the 2500 players in the industry in France. This directory offers each company increased visibility to better identify and build strong marketing partnerships.
BE SUPPORTED AND REPRESENTED in France and abroad, with the authorities in charge of the cosmetics industry
COSMED defends the interests of small, medium and large companies in the cosmetics sector in France, Europe and internationally. Its contributions and regulatory and scientific positions are internationally recognized. COSMED thus contributes to the development of a regulatory framework allowing the marketing of safe and effective cosmetic products.
BENEFIT from concrete support, at shared costs, to better develop your business
– Monitoring of cosmetic regulations in 120 countries,
– Supporting companies in their export activities by issuing Free Sale Certificates and accompanying them to international trade fairs
– Organization of in-house and inter-company training courses, organization of webinars
– Organization of congresses and national and regional events,
– Optimization of purchases through a group of buyers,
– Accompanying companies on environmental issues.
If you are a cosmetics company creator, COSMED provides you with a guide detailing your regulatory obligations.

Discover the video of Cosmed and its services.

Our organization
- A Board of Directors composed of 11 administrators elected in General Assembly.
- An Executive Board
President : Jean Marc GIROUX
Vice Presidente : Marie VIDEAU – Laboratoires M&L-Groupe l’Occitane
Treasurer: Patrice MULATO – Mulato Cosmetics
General Secretary: Didier GUERIN – Inavive Lab
- A team of 15 permanent staff members who put their expertise at the service of members on a daily basis.
- 6 regional Cosmetopoles.