Join HA Cosmed

Optimize your purchasing
The HACosmed buyers’ group enables the optimisation of purchases. Commercial conditions at the same level as those of the large industrial groups have been negotiated thanks to the volumes generated by the network.
HACosmed references quality suppliers in a wide range of sectors in order to facilitate your sourcing and to ensure a better quality/price/service ratio.

integrate the circular economy into procurement
HACosmed has created the first platform for responsible transactions between buyers.
This platform is an intelligent, circular and responsible alternative to the problems of supplying or storing raw materials or packaging items.
In one click, you can communicate to all the buyers in the Cosmed network :
– your offers to destock unused supplies,
– your needs for materials, packaging or machines,
– your search for suppliers or service providers.
These transactions are done directly, without intermediaries, between members

Gold award in the category “Agility of the purchasing function”
In 2019, at the prestigious Westin Hotel – Paris, in front of an audience of 500 buyers and business leaders, and in the presence of Corinne Lepage, former Minister of the Environment, the Cosmed purchasing group won the Gold Trophy in the “Agility of the purchasing function” category. This award, given by a jury composed of 16 purchasing directors from large private and public companies, honours all the actions and good practices carried out by Cosmed with the community of buyers in the French cosmetics industry.
This Golden Trophy, won among nearly 100 projects, confirms the importance of the actions carried out by Cosmed for the benefit of the development of companies, based on the principle of mutualisation, allowing cosmetic VSEs and SMEs to benefit from the same services and advantages as the large groups.